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City Road Chapel United Methodist Church
Emergency Food Bags (food necesities for 24 hours with nonperishable items, bottled water, etc.)
Emergency Bus Passes - Day long MTA passes for people struggling to pay for transportation, given at the discretion of the pastors.
Feast Community Meal - A free dinner for all on the 4th Sunday of each month.
Quiet Space Day Room - A space to get out of the cold or heat, get a cup of coffee or water, and recharge your phone.
How to apply
Food bags and bus passes are given at the discretion of the pastors and/or staff, and must be applied for in person. Each individual will be limited to no more than 1 food bag or 1 bus pass per week except for in the most extreme circumstances. The Feast Community Meal and the Quiet Space are open to all persons who have need.